We all have mental health and wellbeing that can vary from day to day. University can be both a very exciting time and very challenging time. At times you may feel that things get too much.
If you notice a change in yourself or a friend and you feel like a bit of mental health and wellbeing support is needed, help is at hand.
Feeling anxious or distressed is not unusual, but can have a big impact on your life. “ACTivate Your Life” is a free online self-help course, provided by Public Health Wales that can offer support and practical tools to help you get back on track.
Mental Health Charity, Mind, has some useful information specific for university students and also offers a lot of practical information and support.
Student Minds specialises in mental health and wellbeing for students. Their website has many resources and practical tips to help look after your wellbeing.
There are also plenty of people you can talk to. Whether you would feel more comfortable talking to a friend, loved one, or a support service, you are not alone and it is ok to ask for help.
Student’s Union Advice Centre
The Student Advice Centre provides students with free and confidential information, advice, representation and support. They cover many topics including housing, academic, money, and consumer issues.
They are part of the Students Union and are independent from the University. Their website holds lots of useful information and has details of how to speak with an advisor. All cases are dealt with in complete confidence.
Cardiff University Student Support Centre
The Student Support Centre provides a wide range of services that aim to help and advise students. They offer practical advice on multiple topics and provide mental health and wellbeing services.
The Student Connect service is your first point of contact if you need any support while studying at Cardiff University.
Have a look at their website for more information.
Student Services offer Cardiff Metropolitan students free, impartial and confidential help and advice on issues such as careers, finance and health. This includes a free counselling service that is available to all Cardiff Metropolitan students.
Online wellbeing services, counselling services and support for students who are worried about their financial situation can all be accessed via the website.
USW have a wellbeing support programme offering a range of support from self-help guidance to the Mental Health and Counselling service. If you are worried, stressed or unsure of what to do, visit their website for information on the range of services available. You can access services and make appointments via your UniLife account. For Cardiff based course support and wellbeing services, The Atrium Advice Centre is based on the Ground Floor, telephone number 01443 668541 or email cardiffadvice@southwales.ac.uk
Sabbatical Officers are based at the Students Union and are there to help and guide you through problems you might be experiencing within University life. This could be anything from academic problems to issue with your accommodation. Find out more about your Sabbatical Officer team.
Cardiff Nightline is a student led confidential listening and information service. The service is available for all students from Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales. Whether you just need someone to talk to or need advice on your studies, you can call the friendly volunteers at Nightline, who will ‘listen not lecture’.
Call: 029 2087 0555, 8pm – 8am term time.
As well as a phone service, Nightline also offer an Instant Messaging Service open 8pm-12am every night of term.
The Samaritans provide emotional support to and offer a 24hr phone service, every day of the year. They also have a Cardiff and District Branch, so you can talk to someone in person. The Branch is open to callers without prior appointment from 9am – 8pm Wednesday to Sunday and 12noon – 8pm Monday and Tuesday.,
Call: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Address: 62 Cowbridge Road West, Cardiff, CF5 5BS
Counselling Directory is a confidential service that encourages those in need to seek help. You can visit their website, enter your postcode and find a qualified counsellor or psychotherapist nearby who specialises in the area of need. The website also serves as an information hub for people to read mental health related articles and news, as well as to find local events.